© KölnTourismus GmbH

Exhibitions in Cologne

Cologne is home to a large number of museums that present a wide range of art exhibitions that will delight art lovers, history buffs and culture enthusiasts alike. 
Explore Cologne's vibrant art scene by visiting the various ongoing exhibitions in the numerous museums or discovering interesting special exhibitions. Whether classic masterpieces in the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum's picture gallery, contemporary art in the Museum Ludwig or fascinating insights into history in the Romano-Germanic Museum - Cologne has something for everyone. Immerse yourself and be inspired by the city's art treasures and artistic diversity.

Current exhibitions

A selection of multifaceted exhibitions in Cologne's museums


BODY WORLDS & The cycle of life


© Gunther von Hagens‘ KÖRPERWELTEN, Institut für Plastination,Heidelberg, www.koerperwelten.de
Our tip

Artist at Work


© Branka Stipančić, Foto Kolumba, Köln

Karl Blossfeldt - Photography in the light of art

Die Photographische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur

© Courtesy Universität der Künste, Berlin, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Photographischen Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Köln

Sensation of Seeing

Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud

© Sammlung Werner Nekes, Foto: Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung Köln

Art in the Limelight!

Museum of East Asian Art

© Rheinisches Bildarchiv, Marion Mennicken

Udo is Love

Kölnischer Kunstverein

© Andrea Stappert, Udo Kier, Palm Springs, 2013
© KölnTourismus GmbH, Dieter Jacobi

Guest survey

Together with DeinNRW and other regions and cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, we are conducting an extensive holiday visitor survey. The aim is to gain valuable insights into the experiences and impressions of visitors and to continuously optimise our tourist offers.

Are you currently spending your holiday in Cologne or have you been on holiday in Cologne in the last six months? Then you are invited to tell us about your holiday. As a thank you for your participation, you can win great prizes.

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